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时间:2024-05-27 06:36:32 点击:114 次




The influence of surface state on mechanical properties of GH3536 alloy during laser selective melting

GH3536 alloy longitudinal and transverse specimens were prepared using laser selective melting technology. After heat treatment and hot isostatic pressing treatment, a portion of the specimens were machined into smooth surface specimens, which were compared with printed surface specimens. The influence of surface state on tensile and fatigue properties was studied.

The results show that there is little difference in the longitudinal room temperature tensile properties between smooth surface specimens and printed surface specimens, and the surface state has no significant effect on the tensile properties; Compared with smooth surface specimens, the strain fatigue life of printed surface specimens is slightly lower, while the stress fatigue life is significantly reduced, which is 2% to 8% of that of smooth surface specimens;

The crack source area of the smooth surface sample is radial, the propagation area is vein like, and there are numerous ductile dimples in the instantaneous fracture area; There are no obvious radial cracks on the printed surface sample, indicating multi-source cracking and cleavage fracture on the fracture surface.

GH4738/GH3536同种下暖折金钎焊讨论的搁置与罪能采缴BNi-2镍基钎料对GH4738战GH3536同种下暖折金邪在1 040℃×10 min条纲下停言虚空钎焊,经过历程扫描电子隐微镜战能谱仪解析了钎焊讨论的微观搁置及物相形成,并测试了钎焊讨论的下暖弱度。着力标亮,钎缝与母材界里贯脱隆起,明升MS88且钎缝搁置道究。邪在钎焊讨论观察到3个特色搁置地区,分别为元艳分布区、等暖消溶区战非等暖消溶区。

等暖消溶区由镍基固溶体形成,而非等暖消溶区除镍基固溶体中,借存邪在赅专的Ni3Si相及极长的富露Cr,Mo的硼化物。邪在730℃下暖条纲下,钎焊讨论抗推弱度为259 MPa。邪在推屈程度中,钎焊讨论沿非等暖消溶区谢裂,而Ni3Si及硼化物等脆性相中里造成的微裂纹促成了钎焊讨论的断裂。Structure and properties of GH4738/GH3536 dissimilar high-temperature alloy brazed joints BNi-2 nickel based brazing material was used to vacuum braze GH4738 and GH3536 high-temperature alloys under the condition of 1040 ℃ × 10 minutes. The microstructure and phase composition of the brazed joint were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy, and the high-temperature strength of the brazed joint was tested.

The results indicate that the interface between the brazing seam and the base material is well bonded, and the microstructure of the brazing seam is dense. Three characteristic microstructure regions were observed in the brazed joint, namely element diffusion zone, isothermal solidification zone, and non isothermal solidification zone.

The isothermal solidification zone is composed of nickel based solid solutions, while the non isothermal solidification zone contains a large amount of Ni3Si phase and a small amount of borides rich in Cr and Mo in addition to nickel based solid solutions. Under high temperature conditions of 730 ℃, the tensile strength of the brazed joint is 259 MPa. During the stretching process, the brazed joint cracks along the non isothermal solidification zone, while microcracks formed inside brittle phases such as Ni3Si and borides promote the fracture of the brazed joint.

好同雾化压力下GH3536折金粉末制备战煦雾化程度效法玩搞虚空感应熔虚金没有怕火气体雾化行动,邪在好同雾化压力(七、八、9 MPa)下制备了球形GH3536折金粉末。经过历程玩搞多相流模型战翻脸相模型对喷嘴下圆地区停言了数值效法,再现了好同雾化气压下的一次雾化战两次雾化程度。教练战效法的着力标亮:归流区的气体速度战滞言压力随雾化气压的逾越逾越而增加,雾化气压的增加使粉末粒度解搁减小,效法着力与教练着力吻折,考证了雾化模型的否靠性。逾越逾越雾化气压否逾越逾越粗粉发失率,但颗粒尺寸的减小战颗粒形色的厘革会对粉末的流动罪能酿成径直影响,邪在雾化压力8 MPa下制备的粉末具备最孬的流动性战松搭密度,分别为14.34 (s·50g-1)战4.728 g·cm-3。

Preparation of GH3536 alloy powder and simulation of atomization process under different atomization pressures Spherical GH3536 alloy powder was prepared using vacuum induction melting gas atomization method at different atomization pressures (7, 8, 9 MPa). Numerical simulations were conducted on the area below the nozzle using multiphase flow models and discrete phase models, reproducing the primary and secondary atomization processes under different atomization pressures.

The experimental and simulation results show that the gas velocity and stagnation pressure in the reflux zone increase with the increase of atomization pressure, and the increase of atomization pressure continuously reduces the powder particle size. The simulation results are consistent with the experimental results, verifying the reliability of the atomization model.

Increasing the atomization pressure can improve the yield of fine powder明升MS88, but the reduction of particle size and changes in particle morphology can directly affect the flowability of the powder. The powder prepared at an atomization pressure of 8 MPa has the best flowability and loose density, which are 14.34 (s · 50g-1) and 4.728 g · cm-3, respectively.

9月5日,凤凰新媒体(FENG)盘中上涨7.81%,截至00:47,报2.76美元/股明升MS88,成交1.24万美元。 财务数据显示,截至2024年06月30日,凤凰新媒体收入总额3.21亿人民币,同比减少1.61%;归母净利润-3147.5万人民币,同比增长64.68%。 海量资讯、精准解读,尽在新浪财经APP 责任编辑:张俊 SF065明升MS88
登录新浪财经APP 搜索【信披】查看更多考评等级明升MS88官网,ms88明升 9月4日,复旦复华(维权)发布公告称,因公司9月3日在公众号发布的一则消息,收到了交易所问询函。问询函提及,复旦复华股价于3日盘中出现涨停,收盘涨幅为6.32%,公众号发布的重大事项对公司股价具有较大影响,属于应当披露的重大事项。在问询函中,交易所追问公司盘中通过非法定信息披露渠道发布应当披露的重大事项是否合规、是否公平等事项。 公开信息显示,9月3日,复旦复华在公众号发布文章称,公司于2024年9月2日与本源量子
英国企业家遇难明升MS88官网,ms88明升,美国惠普:继续向遗孀索赔40亿美元 据美国《人物》杂志网站9月3日报道,英国知名软件技术企业家、有“英国版比尔·盖茨”之称的迈克·林奇上个月在意大利海岸发生的海难中身亡。然而,美国惠普公司仍然没有放弃针对林奇的欺诈指控,并将继续寻求从他的遗产继承人那里得到高达40亿美元的赔偿。 报道称,惠普公司在一份最新声明中称,英国高等法院2022年裁定,惠普公司“在民事欺诈索赔方面取得了实质性的成功”。惠普的这些指控是针对林奇以及林奇创立的“自主”(Auton
据俄罗斯卫星社9月4日报道明升MS88网址,俄罗斯外交部发言人扎哈罗娃4日表示,加入金砖国家合作机制的申请“数量巨大”。 据报道,俄罗斯自今年1月1日起担任2024年金砖国家轮值主席国。扎哈罗娃对记者称:“申请的数量巨大,有几十份。” 2006年,巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国四国外长举行首次会晤,开启金砖国家合作序幕。为应对金融危机,2009年6月,“金砖四国”领导人在俄罗斯举行首次会晤。金砖国家间的合作机制正式启动。 2010年12月,四国在协商一致的基础上,正式吸收南非加入机制。机制英文名称为
来源:财联社明升MS88网址 自今年6月19日官宣单飞创业后,OpenAI前首席科学家、联合创始人伊尔亚·苏茨克维(Ilya Sutskever)创办的“安全超级智能”(SSI)周三宣布,完成了一笔价值10亿美元的融资。 (来源:X) 这也意味着,这家人工智能初创公司,公开创业仅11周后,就踏过所谓的“独角兽”(10亿美元市值)门槛——事实上根据报道,这家公司的估值已经达到50亿美元(约合355亿人民币)。 值得一提的是,这个由AI圈顶级大佬牵头的创业团队,连一篇像样的新闻稿都不愿意写,仅仅在
美国证券交易委员会主席Gary Gensler 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)将结束一场围绕对冲基金和私募股权公司费用披露的重大法律战,这将打击SEC主席Gary Gensler提高该行业透明度的行动。 一位知情人士透露,该监管机构没有在周二的最后期限前采取行动要求最高法院恢复关于向投资者说明费用的新披露要求,该人士在讨论诉讼时要求不公开身份。 SEC在声明中表示:“我们拒绝在公开文件以外发表评论。” 今年6月,美国联邦第五巡回上诉法院一个由三位法官组成的小组驳回了该规则,他们认为SEC越权。S

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